Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sharing Nature

Ted is already accomplished as an outdoorsman. He grew up in the Scouting program and from the time he was 13 was doing canoe trips in the Adirondacks. He learned a lot about the outdoors and also about himself through the program. As a senior patrol leader he had a chance to develop and practice his leadership methods and style, his communication and how to get things done.

I was surprised when Ted mentioned that he had never been hiking at Ramapo Reservation. Scouting has a long distinguished history in Bergen County and there have been at least two scout camps along the hills of the Ramapo River where Ted has overnighted... but I'm talking about a day hike here. So I had the chance to lead and introduce Ted to the trails and ease of accessibility and the diversity of terrain of what is today my favorite outdoor space. We hiked South along the river and then inland and up the rocky hill on the 'Orange' trail. When we merged with the paved road we headed back down the hill. So our movement exercise that day was not tennis or bike riding, but instead we spent a few hours in the shade and sun on the trail. What an excellent day!

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