Friday, June 18, 2010

SDV's, Guacamole and Peach/Mango Salsa

We live in a creative and discerning household and one thing we've learned is the wonder of the SDV. Salt Delivery Vehicles (SDVs) add to the contrast of food tastes and are characterized by two major players- potato chips and tortilla chips. In Lays or Herr's Wavy potato chips (not Wise Ridges), there is a wider periodicity ruffle and they are more crisp than a non-wave chip. Just put a chip into your mouth and let the salt dissolve. The other SDV of equal wonder is corn tortilla chips. My favorite are Eden Garden Brand. However, Snyders or another brand are also good. Baked chips typically don't do it but you be the judge.

SDVs need accessories- like freshly made guacamole or a salsa. If you're new to the spiritual view of Guacamole as life, you can try out fresh guacamole made commercially at the South of the Border chain. Look for hand made and not whipped or blended. South of the Border makes the guacamole table side where you can watch and direct the correct amount of the ingredient mix. They tend to be gentle in their preparation- not too spicy or salty as they don't want to have you turn away from what you ordered. Another way to do guacamole is to use a pre-mix spice package and just add avocados.  And to have maximum freedom in taste adjustment make your own. Tim, Ted and Zach all cook at our house. Tim has been the lead in guacamole mixing and flavoring techniques.

There are two benefits of making your G/S. First, making it yourself lets you select the freshest ingredients and raw flavors.  Second, by making the dish yourself you have total control of the flavor by selecting how much of each material you put in. 

GUACAMOLE (based on Tim's works) Ingredients, Cutting and Initial Mixing Instructions
Cutting/chopping knife, cutting board, dinner fork, table spoon, mixing bowl about two times the size of the final serving bowl.
SDV's - 1 lb bag of Eden Garden or other corn tortilla chips
4 avocados- (grow or reduce the recipe 2 avocados at a time). Select avocados so they are slightly but noticeably movable by your hand squeeze. Cut the avocados and remove the pit. Spoon out the green/yellow pulp into the mixing bowl.
Prepare the other ingredients
1 Fresh tomato (not too ripe)- chopped about 1/4 inch cubes, use 1/2 of a 3 inch tomato.
2 Jalapeno Peppers-cut in circles so they look like wagon wheels. Chop smaller. The more seeds you leave the hotter the flavor.  Begin with 1 pepper. Save 2nd for adding flavor (see tuning directions below)
Cilantro- about 30 stems- cut with scissors or chop with knife so leaves are about 1/3 of their original size
Sea Salt- start with a tablespoon. (see tuning directions below)
1 White or Red Onion about 3 inch diameter- select the zing in the onion to your personal taste. Chop 1/2 of the onion.
1 lime
Mix the ingredients.
Use fork and spoon to break up the avocado. Mix until there are still a few chunks left. Do not overmix or whip- keep some coarseness to the texture. Texture aids scoopability.
Add Lime juice- a light squeeze of 1/2 a lime
Refrigerate and let flavors mingle:
The onion, cilantro salt and jalapeno need about 1/2 - 2 hours to mix in the refrigerator
Tuning Directions:
Taste test and add more sea salt to personal taste.
Not hot enough? add jalapeno and onion a table spoon at a time to get to your personal liking.
Consider an experiment and divide your batch into two parts- one mixed with low spice and the other high spice- see which you like better.
Use a plastic wrapand press it down against the guacamole- this and the lime juice keep it alive for later in the day or overnight. Avocados turn brown in the air.

(make both guacamole and salsa- many of the same materials are used)
Joan made this last week with great results. We used the same SDV's as for Guacamole
The delicate flavors of mangoes and peaches combine with onions and garlic in this sweet-and-savory salsa recipe. Try it with chips for a light snack on a hot summer night, or add to a vegetable burrito for an unusual twist. (from a newsletter we received)
2 mangoes, peeled and chopped
2 fresh peaches, peeled and chopped
1 sweet onion, diced
1 medium tomato, diced (optional)
2 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
dash sea salt and pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Dice and chop- no blenders.
Chill for at least one hour, to allow flavors to combine, and stir well before serving.

1 comment:

  1. Rev John, thanks for these! I also share your spiritual view that guacamole is life -- growing up in CA this was a staple. I can't wait to try your recipe. Cheers, Katie Sullivan
