Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gratitude- A Way Forward

I'm teaching a class for new students on the philosophy of greater living. One of the things we talked about was using journaling as a way to raise the student's personal awareness of different situations. One section suggests journaling about gratitude.

So I am grateful for having participated in the family event for my Uncle. And I'm grateful for all the ways that he helped me understand my Dad, his brother. It's not that I understand my father so much more, it is really that I have come to a peaceful perspective. I have come into balance and walk with greater insight. I am ready to move forward. Thank you for your gifts. I am grateful. And So It Is.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Tomorrow I'm attending the Memorial service for my father's brother, Bud.  Bud passed from this Earth about a month ago. He was nearly 92 and lived to be the oldest of any of our known male family members.

Bud and I became closer after my father made his transition at age 78, about five years ago.  Dad was 8 years younger than his brother. Eight years is not a large age difference but by the time their mother died, my Dad was 6 and Bud was 14. They had two different experiences growing up.

Some people comment how Bud and John were so different. Bud would always speak his mind and could be offensive and self-occupied as he worked on his hobbies and job. He shared his opinions and judgments with all who would listen. My Dad (John) always displayed kindness to strangers, but he carried an intense drive and inherent anger. So they were different- one letting anger out, the other putting it deep inside.  And they were similar also. Both went through heart surgery, a product of their time and their deep enjoyment of all beef products.  Both men were technical and self- schooled engineers in both mechanics and electronics. They were also both HAM radio operators, K3IUZ and W3GOS. Both loved to study and figure things out. Both followed a tradition of their job being their life and both provided for their families through their work and life decisions.

And what strikes me is that both brothers experienced a transformation in their thinking during the last ten years of their lives. When Bud's wife Mary passed early in the decade, he experienced great grief. He missed Mary and was sad about the prioritization and decisions with his partner in their sixty plus years of marriage. It was in that time that he experienced a transformation of thought, a mellowing and a greater connection to life and family. His heart softened. I am grateful to have experienced this. For his brother, John, the transformation came during his recovery after a stroke. John transformed from the angry man to the more care free, story telling and loving man. I am grateful to have experienced this.

In the Bible, Acts 9:10-22 Saul was a zealous man who really disliked Christians. Traveling on the roadside a light appeared to Saul and he was blinded.  Jesus sent Ananias to lay hands on Saul and he regained his sight.  It was after that event that Saul transformed began proclaiming "He is the son of God"  Saul became Paul and used his zeal to evangelize the word to Rome and even further west.

So my message tomorrow is on how we live in relation to each other. These men, raised by my Grandfather, Wilbert, and who went on to lead successful lives lived their best. No matter what has happened up to this day let us live in relation to each other with celebration of the transformed consciousness. Let the love that these men found and professed in their last days be ours today, tomorrow and beyond.